Suffolk University CampusReel Academic Building Tours Part 1: My Favorite Building

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When it comes to my favorite building here, something I'd have to say. It's definitely Sawyer going where I've had most of my classes. For example, me, a marketing management major might not have as much work as, let's say, a science major. This building isn't just for work, is you guys are going to see so you're probably asking where to? Most students like to hang out here if they're in between classes and right here on the third floor, we've got all of our extracurricular things, what we like to call the student lounge. We've got, as you can see, a popcorn machine by looks of things. Here, students who can just come and unwind relax. They can prepare for tests, meetings, pitches, product presentations, you name it. Suffolk's got a really good business programs I mentioned before, and there you Khun, people often come here and they practice. I came here to practice my patient that we did for Amazon, and over here you can see our Program council and our Greek life over there. You can see that's our Greek life office and real life is actually a pretty big part of campus, even though you were commuting campus for the better part of things. The Greek life houses, they're kind of 20 minutes commute outside of the campus. Over here you can really just see that this place is more for organizing things. They'll do a lot of things for for just the Greek life on campus. So if that's what you're looking for, then Suffolk offers that also pingpong table. Hear no jazz music in the elevators to keep us company. What were notorious for years? A little bit of inside joke for you suffer kids the elevators in this building. So if you're ever running late for camp like for your classes, that's the number one excuse people give. Here we are on the fifth floor of Sawyer, and we're actually gonna be walking to the computer labs that we have. So if you don't have a laptop here, fear not because a lot of the class is over here, they'll like the ones behind me. We also have not an accounting person or a finance person, but we've got stock market stuff there, as you can see and behind me right here, we've got a computer lab full of computers that students can use for anything, no matter what your major is. Let's keep going with the Tour..