Student Voice- Introduction + Why UCD?

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I'm a second year international relations major, very famous on. Right? My name is like a thirty year international police major, and I just don't like it here. Maybe me, huh? The reason is because of this drinking and The other reason is in California. This What about you have line a maze and you can just call me Eve Y eyes, uh, from the station that's employ in, uh, my major is clear social science because I really have a figure reach Ask that that really love and quite interesting. The reason like him to use it, Davis is that, uh, first I really love you. See, the California because I'm a first travel to yes, the Stanford University, which is always a locating California. Um and Davis has kind of like it's on education. Yeah, I think that pretty much Hi, I'm Rama and I chose UC Davis because it's the only you see that had my major, which is just designed. Um, I'm in new English, phD. Student here at U. C. Davis Reese and I decided to come here is because the English department just seemed really awesome. Uh, very a very collaborative environment, uh, and a place that I really wanted to pursue my pH d at. Davis is like the sight of a nice school in my I have I have, like, friends and, uh, today, Miss. So I'm here. I chose UC Davis simply because I have a family of in Northern California. That was a big factor in why I chose it, but also because of its academic rating ranking and just really good things that I've read about it on DH of the professor's.