Student Interview with the Amazing Julia

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What radio? So for the progress they started off on your major right away. So not only are taking a general education classes were taking your major class, so by seconds stars in news reporting, writing. It was a lot of fun because you got to learn from a professional working a business on a daily basis. Just want a lot you have on your skills, right out the gate. There's a lot of clubs and educational opportunities to get involved in my new friends. Internships, second semester as a freshman, which never happens. They want they truly want, and that's what I love about you. Everyone is just willing to work part time in the effort to make this place. So buy these hair for about downtown Phoenix campus is not this well, actually, it's actually part of the area. So growing up around here city, something feel like a real city to me. Everything closes kind of early, so you just have to play around that I do like the area. What's your favorite part? My fear for people. I've met people all crossed since I'm from inner peace people generally. So I think Arizona Oranje go on my own and it's just cool to see us all together different walks of life and to make a new one. Dr. Amos is a family and just to be with everyone and me, all these It's amazing.