Student Interview- TJ!

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Hey, I'm T. J. I'm a junior at the USC school cinematic arts, setting film and television production with emphasis in production design and set on the weekends, I'm usually on set. So whether it's an in class project, extracurricular project or even something else out of USC, you can usually find me working in the art department. Which means I'm in charge of building sets, making props, making sure all the actors know what they're interacting with within the actual film shoot itself. So when I'm on set, usually that would be a twelve hour day. Say we'll probably start really early in the morning at six a. M. I will go to the night, take a half hour for lunch and usually half hour. I'll kind of sit down in the corner, juice on my homework, anything that I haven't gotten a chance to do yet on then afterwards, after the set. It depends if I have a lot of homework that I usually doing that, or if we're shooting the next day, I'll be building or doing People share, working on construction, anything to help a film shoot for next year. So a lot of the sets that I get to go to are in a multitude of locations I've shot in office buildings in downtown. From that I worked on we went to CBS back lot, which is really interesting. We're running around putting Halloween decorations up everywhere in the middle of May, which is super fine. So there's really no limit to where we will be. Kind of just got away to the night before Dinky T. Jin.