Student Interview

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Caroline hi things about yourself and say, like why you chose me, remember? Yeah. I'm a twenty year old, uh, sophomore theater major with an acting concentration with the Minor Women's and Gender Studies here at Muilenburg. I'm from Leesburg, Virginia, and one of the reasons why I chose Muilenburg Wass because of mainly because of the theater program. They have a very strong theater program here, and that's what I wanted to pursue my career in. The professors here really help me further my career in that it's wonderful to know what they're like, the pros and cons of going here. In your opinion, I would say the pro is that the professors will really try Teo and will really pay attention to you because you're going to be in a small class like I've never had a class here of like, more than twenty people, like, literally in. So they really will care about you and take their time, too. Make sure that you're progressing and doing okay and doing well, and they definitely make put an emphasis on that as well as just There's a big community of artists and just a lot of artists who are like creating things and stuff. So I feel like there's like a kindred nous of that as well. There's always performance is going on, whether it's like performance groups remain stages or studios or red doors or acapella. So you're always your mind is always being creative, and you're always, um, in a process of some sorts. Also the con is that, like small campus can be a little bit suffocating at times because it was very small and you get kind of stuck in this like bubble of what we call the mule and bubble. That's definitely a problem, because a lot of students can't get off campus a lot. Because City of Allentown is good, it's good because like it's civilization. There's not like as much to do as if you're going to school, let's say, like a city or some sorts. Like the student body and like stereotypes of students of the student body is very small. We only have twenty around like twenty five hundred students here on campus. I think like the stereotypes is that there are a lot of like theater kids here and people that seeing an act and stuff. It's like a little pretentious, I guess, being like we're like a small liberal arts school. Also we have a lot of Jewish students here on campus. We have, like a really, really big Jewish population, so that community is very, very prevalent on campus and stuff. Just a lot of I guess, like hippie, artsy type kids, I guess. Hoo hoo, right and do our and other things that don't involve just like the performing arts and stuff. So I would say that's kind of like a little bit of, well, like, obviously more than those types of students. I would say that's kind of like the majority. Okay, um, can you talk about your workload as a theater major is definitely a lot, uh, being involved with, like, other stuff on top of like, my courses and, you know, doing stuff for theaters just like read or play festival and other things, other things and just like her soles on top of my schoolwork and stuff. So it's definitely very, very busy advice to yourself as a senior in high school who don't try as hard. I mean, that doesn't sound good, but I just I kind of I liked it a lot of college auditions, and I think I did wait trying and I think I burned myself out. I think I kind of, like, really, like, lost respect for you, that sort of industry in that sense when I did that, and I don't think I should have done as much as I did.