Student Interview

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He's in my general biology to Plus and my chemistry. So what do the finances at you and like? How do they? How do you think they compare with others? For me, it actually turned out really good because they gave me a lot of scholarships. What is the student climate You? Enough like the student climate. What about the academic like Professor Festers? You're all really friendly. If But there weren't any that were necessarily here the worst person. So what they like, even if, like you would butt heads. Professor, they would still, like, help you, Right? You can get you one of them. What's different about you? Mainly the side of everything. Where are you? But you don't have a very large selection of Yeah. What a piece of advice would you give here? The main advice I would give would be to apply for a scholarship. So you can I just get much money you need in order to get through college friends. If I had more money, I could live on campus and every Well, thank you, Danny.