Student Interview

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Yeah, s So what are your favorite parts about campus so far for the library study? There really? I think my favorite part. So what would you say The classrooms are like like your experience in the teachers. My classes are a majority here a. J So, like I think the classes were pretty nice wide, and I think it's within technology. I think it's so has that authenticity my major. What people like you get to be like it close with, like your parents that you sit next to. How would you describe diversity on campus? Right. I've seen more people of color campus a little bit more, especially this year diversity. See how President Prince is trying to make step Teo Diversified? Yeah. Obsession with individual, like, No, I'm trying their best. Not just so, like put ourselves into different groups, but by everybody like no. If you could give one final piece of advice to any incoming freshmen, what would it be? They have a lot. Well, I definitely think that you should be open to a lot like activities happening on campus. Get involved as much as you can, because being a freshman, like from my experience fresh mint last year, I'm very quiet and just getting out of my comfort zone and made me a better person and maybe more social myself now. Like, just people around, I heard you been been such a great experience. Because I know if everyone's experience everyone is new, No one's gonna have friends. You're gonna come in as a brand new person, like no one's gonna know you. It just means like you have to get yourself out there and, like, be confident, just like really I mean, honestly, really, three years older than and I never and I was still intimidated. Think Don't follow the stereotypes that you see on television. I think Walk around, you could probably run into someone. You know, You know who's also a friend with that first here, but it's like I like it.