Sorority recruitment

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If you are new video As you guys conceive in the title, I'm going to be doing the truth about sorority recruitment. They don't tell you about sorority recruitment. Recruitment is like the most amazing experience you'll ever have in your life. There's also a lot of really not so great not so fun things that they just don't tell you when you're about to go through recruitment. I'm going to tell you because I got your back to try to keep it as real as possible with you guys and just giving you the inside scoop on everything story recruitment related your new toy channel. You probably have a good idea of what a sorority is because you clicked on this video and you're obviously doing some type of research to try to, like, figure out something about recruitment. Assorted, basically, is a group of college women really opens the doors to a lot of amazing things. You meet amazing friends and share bonds with people Really just get you involved in college and involved on your campus on, and I think that's a really great thing. I know a lot of people that want to recruitment, and they join sororities and they ended up dropping them because it just wasn't for them. You should be excited to go through recruitment and yeah, you're gonna be nervous, but it should be something that you're doing for you. When you're going through recruitment process, they will refer to you as a PNM. Other stories and other schools have different names for it, but at my school, we call them PM's. It's basically a mutual voting process, and the PM is voting what houses they like. Full recruitment usually takes place in the fall, and authorities do recruit during the spring as well. Usually spring recruitment is much more informal, and it's just more laid back. I usually only is like one or two days or so, but fall recruitment is usually very formal. I go to a huge Southern university, I go to the University of South Carolina and our recruitment literally is over the course of two weeks. So it's really long and each round is two days, except for like Pref, which is the last round. I'll get into that in a second, really determining how your recruitment process is going to be, whether it's gonna be a little bit more casual. If you go to a bigger school like I d'oh, you're a recruitment process could be anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks, which is just mind blowing that literally. When I was going to recruitment, the orientation session was held at like six o'clock at night, the day before the whole week of recruitment started on. So these air gonna be your groups that you will be traveling with the first day or two of recruitment. She hasn't disaffiliated herself from her sorority during this whole recruitment process. Basically there to just guide you through your whole week of recruitment. As you get closer and closer to the end, it starts to get really, really hard to like, make a decision, and sometimes it can get really confusing and really emotional. So over the summer, make sure to go and try to find yourself a little small, battery operated fan before recruitment because you will love yourself. When I was going to recruitment, they wouldn't even let you, like, have gum in your mouth or like have it at all. It was like a Panhellenic T shirt that they gave us for recruitment. It's like the most casual day out of all of recruitment, and throughout the whole week, you basically get dressier and more fancy throughout the whole week. Recruitment is basically like a bunch of interviews, so you want to be dressed like you would for an interview. Of the sorority girl is like singing as you're just kind of standing there, like looking all around and you're like, What? Let my doing? It's way more nerve wracking, honestly, to be on the other side of recruitment. I feel like just because you've been literally it's like you've been practicing for so long, trying to make recruitment so perfect. It's not a myth that these girls like Instagram and Social media stock before recruitment because they dio like I feel like everybody knows that if you don't know that, when whatever, It's kind of a known thing for recruitment process even begins. That's something that you'll start to notice as you're going through recruitment. First thing I was not expecting on day one of recruitment. The girls aren't allowed to talk about it, and you put them in a really awkward position. During recruitment, I wore a black like formal lace dress, and I wore some like nude heels and a nice pair of earrings. You wanna look really like put together and professional? They say that you're not supposed to wear black because, like the sorority, girls are going to be wearing black. Basically, just hide other conversation, and we talked more about Kappa and, like, um you know, recruitment and whatever. Like the night of Pref, I didn't really know, Like what I was going to pick like, I really didn't know, Like what I was gonna D'oh. If you know someone has something negative to say about certain authority, like just don't listen to it, block it out because you really want to just do you and focus on Wait guys, guys, the video. I hope that it was helpful you hang in there questions about recruitment or sororities in general, anything that I just didn't cover in this video.