Sorority Life

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In today's video, we're going to be doing another sorority themed video. About two weeks ago, I posted my exposing a sorority rush video where I literally went a dizzy over the whole recruitment process and my very own experience and how I chose my sorority dry clothes that I got a ton of questions from you guys in the comments asking me so many more things about sororities and Greek lives. They actually were nice enough to reach out to me and asked me if I would like to customize my own hoody to put my sorority Greek letters on And this is the body that I ended up customizing and designing myself. I definitely recommend if you are in a sorority and you want to, like, customize some cute clothes with your letters to definitely hit this brand up and check out their website. You consent it in and they will actually customize and put your letters on it, which I think is so cool and I don't know, I just really like how it's very customizable. And they let me pick out an accessory, and I actually picked out this really cute baseball cap. It's my school colors and my sorority mixed together. If you want to get some really cute Greek customizable attire, definitely go check them out. I'm going to stop talking out and let's just get right into of the sorority. So the very first question is, what sorority are you in? I am in. That's my story, even in question is from Lexie and and she said, Are there girls who don't get into sorority's ever Or, if you really want to be in one, will you be is very rare for girls to not get into a sorority like to just not get a bit on the day. Normally, once, if you've made it to the end of recruitment and you've made to the end of rush, you have at least one or two houses that are really interested in you and really, really want you. Normally you really I want them up because it is the mutual process. So it's really unlikely that you would just not get a bit on the day. Some sorority wants you, so I wouldn't stress too much about that. So do you miss classes on the days of Rush? I'm kind of confused about that, usually for most schools, and this is like obviously going off my school in my what I've experienced. You have Rush and recruitment during prep, but preface on the weekend. When you're voting and your ranking on the sororities, they are voting and ranking on girls that they're rushing. If they think that you would click with their sorority, they are ranking and voting on you. Um, you're voting on them and each sorority. It's not like the sorority is voting on the PM's, and that's all it's. The next question is, what kind of questions would you ask about the philanthropies? I'm rushing in the fall, and I'm so excited, but I'm also super nervous. I really feel that I was so nervous going through recruitment. I did not know what to expect, and it can be really scary. Nervous as you are, she asked what questions you could ask about the philanthropies, because in that video I talked about during Feli other P round, it's really good to ask questions at the philanthropy to show that you're like, interested in the sorority and, like you care about the philanthropy because that's important. She raised money for it because that's really cool. The girl that's rushing you, we'll most likely have participated in those events so she can talk about her experience doing that. This will not be a good question to ask every single sororities, so make sure you know what the philanthropy is and then judge it based off that, For example, Zetas Philanthropy is breast cancer awareness, so you do not want to ask a girl that's rushing you. You don't want to trigger anyone during rush Unless, you know, the girl decides to share of that type of story with you. If you're rushing something like Capa, our philanthropy isn't That's, you know, like intense. The reason I connected really well with Capa's philanthropy is because when I was growing up in grade school, all through elementary middle school, I had an I P, which was like, basically a learning disability, and I struggled mainly with reading. I thought that was something really important because reading was such a big thing that really hit home to me when I was growing up, and it was something that I really struggled with, and so I really want to give that back to my community so that right there is a conversation Now, obviously, you don't have to connect with every single philanthropy, little research before recruitment on each stories, philanthropy and just kind of know the basics of, like what they dio. A lot of people don't know that, but I rushed as a sophomore. I did my suit soft core and honestly, I was really worried about this because, you know, a good majority of people that go through Rush our freshman is just like the more typical thing to Dio. A lot of girls rush as sophomores, and I even knew a lot of girls that were rushing as juniors and a few seniors that were rushing and I actually have a really good friend that rushed her senior year like last year off more. I feel like it gave me a little bit more confidence because I was already really comfortable with college life. Like I had already had a year of college under my belt and I was just really, like, already comfortable, like I already had my own friends outside of Greek life, you know? So I was just really comfortable on myself and, you know, like, I wasn't just coming straight from high school, and that's all in itself is really nerve wracking. You know, having conversations with girls that were my age. So if you are a sophomore or even a junior or senior and you're going through recruitment, don't be intimidated by, like the overwhelming amount of freshmen that are also rushing with you. For more videos from me to make sure to go check out Greek life threads if you want a really cool, cute hoody to represent your sorority letters, yeah, that's everything.