Sophomore year thoughts..

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I do these videos every now and then because you guys asked for them sometimes and then also, I just feel like it's a good way to kind of give a little catch up. I haven't had a ketchup that you of what's been going on to college, and it works out because Cassie is in the room. You know, if I come toe and I also just don't like spending the whole day talking about what's going on my life literally film my life. It's just like what I just There's a little bit of, um so I don't know What's that word like? You're just staring like Fuller's You're not, But it's like you're I know, uh, and I don't think that about other people. It's the weirdest, like all these else I say by the news about how I feel towards them have nothing to do with other people. It's just when I do it, you know, I feel like you're No, no, I'm not really this end cause offense A city that is know by now I truly don't worry. Face make up for that especially during the summer and just the summer. Right now it's still summer and it's just blazing hot outside and it's humid in New Orleans. Face makeup, even whenever I go out at night, especially on ice for, like dancing. We're like I stuff, but that's pretty much it. Well, I let you guys in on sophomore year so far, and our thoughts that I was only casting are going through the same crisis along with other people. Most people have a lot of video ideas, but the motivation, not motivation. It's just I'm getting very much of my head and I get very much like come caught up in like a What's the word like Go, go, go! Yeah! Where I don't wanna right where? I don't know what you think. Go, go, go! Oh, we can I have to Awesome videos that I've been planning on doing so. I just don't I don't believe in my videos. I think you don't like people passion about it, even though I do. So and then I over think what I'm actually doing on here. If I'm actually making an impact or doing anything, Um, I wonder if it's worth it. Her nails were coming right now we've been Oh, a little couple here. We've been going through an extension with more existential crisis. Um, what this happens, this happens and like it happens a lot with people like who don't have a path, anything. People who do have a path, but it's like, who are people who have a path may like aren't even bothered by like thinking of other things. That's whenever they don't get caught in this. I feel like people who or more like the art sooner have said like the RT path. Only when I change or anything I'm this has literally been my same CC. There's nothing new to see here. That's more difficult, I'd say, because obviously it's like a self. It's very helpfully it told me This is not the right, Yeah, which is good. Yeah, it says, It's like and acting is still there. Even if you don't see it yet, which is like you only Haman haven't. Um, uh I really gotta I really have to take my own advice. I really don't know how much I did for me, but here we are. Um, I have been adding something to it around my nose. Read. Another thing that's new and exciting is I'm figuring out what I want to study abroad. Um I don't know. I originally was someone doing it next fall in France because my minor knows, obviously French, But I've been looking into and I heard from yesterday I'm told me, told me actually, that there is this, like, a scholarship that pays for your whole life If you were to go, like, a month in summer. Also just like if I'm over there and it will give me other opportunities, the world is going to imagine us probably something about usually into your genitals. You know, like you're not exploring, which I feel like you need me in school, continue to, like, progress and learn. Well, see, I need to make another appointment, So Well, this is New day. She's Madison Miller and she's in the shade. So that's just kind of been a little phone karu that's been going on. No, I'll leave you freshmen who are in college or doing okay.