so you didn't get into UT

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You applied to the University of Texas and you didn't get it so well. So I will just give you a quick synopsis in high school by applying for University of Texas at Austin. Cap is a program where they offer you to go to one of the schools in their program. I went to Texas Tech University for a year and then after I got a four, you know, I wanted to apply for U. T. My sophomore year of college. Thio still apply to you t and just know maybe this isn't for you, But if it does scare you that you will still need 60 hours of you teeth. If you want to go to UT for your specific major or if it's more important to you to just get an dut and change your major. I was in the business school, but I knew it was less likely for me to get into your teeth for business. So I thought that it would be more up my alley and change my major toe advertising, which is in the communication school of beauty in order to get and rather than get rejected from becomes do your research on each school within you team because some of them are easier to get in the other. You have a higher chance of getting into the communication school. You have a higher chance of getting into the liberal arts school. What, You're okay with changing your major, too, or just see what your major falls into. T. There's no need having credits that are not benefiting you in the hopes you do get into UT. So not saying only take classes that don't benefit your degree out where you're currently at. Just gonna do TV saying Take credits for your current major at your current school that still transferred through some credit. For me, everything I did at Texas Tech was with the intention that I was going to UT. It seems like a lot more work to do study for 12 hours a day and miss out on parties and social life. It was all worth it to me, because in the end, I wanted all the possibility that I was going to get in the U. T. And don't be attack anyway, which worked out for me. Acceptance rate is a very small compared to other universities on if you want to have a degree from U T. That is worth the value is that you have to put in work whatever school you're at, whether it's community college or university or state school. I take 12 hours at u T. And it feels like the same amount, of course work, if not more. That just kind of puts in perspective to you that this college is a lot more difficult and they want to know that you busted your butt where you are. Mike So the resume goes back from the freshman year of high school all the way till today. It has every single volunteer activity, every single extracurricular, every single honors, every single award, everything documented descriptive on that resume. If you could make anything that you did seem a lot more difficult slash honorary, then do it to your advantage. So they do care way more about your college, where than your high school history. The high school is just kind of like a bomb on a truck and get involved in as many clubs and organizations. As the more relatability you have to your major, the stronger your case is for them wanting you to come in. Experience doesn't make as much sense as marketing experience or photography or things that align with satin major. So you want teachers that swoon over you and you also want really good connections, whether it be a principal or Dean or someone used to work for. I had the head of an advertising agency that I worked for Ryder rec letter for me and I also had my communications teacher write a letter for me and it matched eight aligned with my major. You want to the max amount, which I think is to three when they say optional is not optional, fill every single being on the application for the actual UT application and the Applied Texas application you have. So your resident will have all your Lydia and your high school experience and tell them how smart you are and you have your transcripts out four point out. If you talk about the hardships you've injured and talk about why you want a former no student in high school. That's why, you know, in high school, you make them cry. The more you have their emotions, the more likely they are to accept you. They don't want anything boring, and they also don't want a lot of big words that make you sound smart. They want a story, and they want a story about you that tells them they're letting the right person and make sure that you apply before the deadline. They're not gonna chase after you to make sure your transcripts and it's just not a thing, and you want time to make sure everything goes smoothly. If you want the application and early to make sure your transcripts going ahead, would you also be sending them? And you need to be calling both schools to be calling your current school when you make you tea until both ends of the phone are telling you that they receive your transcript. Even if you only have a couple of community service things that you can remember the need to go to more community service and put that on that next. If you want this work widow and actually want to get into U T and you, I don't like the school you're at right now or it's just a non injury in school like you t as follow every single thing I understand in this watch my other U team videos down below. I have to live the library for 12 hours a day, and that's okay because I did it and it's so work, then the next thing is, I want you to visualize yourself a beauty. I definitely use visualization and manifestation in order to get into your TV so I can also don't blow a law of attraction video if that is something you care about because it really helped me get here to my dream school on It is so I will also like down below all of my blog's you to use.