So how's the weather?

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The spring and summer on campus is just absolutely breathtaking. As you can see behind me, there's beautiful trees that are blooming Our landscape staff plants, hundreds of beautiful annuals. It was just absolutely gorgeous to walk around the outside. Even if you look over here, there's tons of people out in their hammocks on the university green. We're at the end of April, so it's just beautiful around seventy degrees. You're gonna need a hat, gloves, scarf, the whole nine yards. Yeah, and to even beyond having toe where those things you know, protect your skin and stay warm. There are some buildings that you can walk through to get to class. You don't have to be outside the whole time you're walking. The atrium Letterman and Robert Bell all connect on the second floor so you wouldn't have to come outside at all. I'm a few adjourned if your journey between those buildings or in that direction at all. There's other building so that you can walk through like Braque and Library or the Architecture Building. Once you get your bearings on campus, you're gonna find out. They might be a little bit of a longer way about away, too. Keep yourself warmer in those in those harsh winters.