Single Rooms in the Heights Dorms

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I'm going to show you what the single rooms look like in denial. Oh, and Machuca and you guys can go ahead and follow me to my friends, Elissa and Maya's room so I can show you what those rooms. This is Eliza and my single rooms, which they have together when you first look and there's like, this mean area where they have off guys like my career. Then you have this little hallway saying like all you ever do that in the bathroom is right here. She was saying, which you know is a typical lander about like in the doubles as well. I think it's a little bigger way cut off into individual rooms. Well, they're super high ceilings because they're on the first floor. This isn't Maya's room is her desk Here, Prevent physical layout are a lot of land like this is her closet in the corner. Yes, and then has a second room, which is the single out here. She just Do you know what? All of this, which is amazing and her beds and I get differently out the mines window you. She's living also high ceilings, very high ceilings, cute way out of a single room in this. So that is the difference between a double room in a single room in the height, the single rooms A really nice but are a little bit more difficult to get. If you like having your own time like having your own space, and that's important to you. I'm the kind of person that it doesn't really matter for me, like I enjoy having a double as much of that. Polly would enjoy having a single, so it really just depends on what you're looking for and how you work. I studied with yourself, but both options were really great, and you're really great Environment and the heights are always a fantastic option for living.