Shannon shows you the basement of Kaufman Hall

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Hi, I So Ashley and I are in the basement right now. I didn't say earlier, but she's my roommates. So we're in the basement, which is where everyone's mailboxes are. So every person that living Kaufman Hall against our own mailbox. If you get packages and down that hallway is a mail room and you have to pick it up there. Then if we keep going right here, is being work. Study room, Jim Maris just tables and then Kat boards for, like, design students or whatever. Then here's the computer lab, which is a bunch of computers. If you want to work together with people on computers, not use your own, it is also a table in there to just set. There's the fitness center, which it's me man over here is the laundry where in which we're gonna go and have to pick up. Yeah, here, A bunch of washers and dryers in here, so there's never a problem finding one. When you get in here, this is the same for all the dorms. Then when Aries your laundry, it's a dollar, twenty five, a washer and a dollars twenty five tires, so it's really easy.