Shaffer Hall

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So this is one of the classrooms and Schaeffer Hall. This actually would have my expository writing class. Um, we don't realise one of the markers were not exposed. So some of stuff we're doing is still on the board. This is just like your average like classroom, I guess, is in a lecture hall. Fletcher holes are bigger and more suited for like, lectures, but yeah, explodes like a discussion based class. So it's nice when you have, like, just like twelve ish fifteen kids in the front rows, and you could might have meaningful discussions and stuff for those classes. Schaefer Hall is also where the engineering advising building is. So on the third floor, Schaeffer is where my lap is, and there's also kind on the second. I'm not going to take you guys in because I'm ninety nine percent sure I will get in trouble. Yep, so this building is important to me, and this is where my lab is located, and in general research is something that's strongly emphasized. So my labs in the Institute for Nano Biotechnology, the NBT and there's a lot of chemical by molecular can be ease and five good years be. It's really nice because I don't have any prior experience before joining and at Hopkins like it's really easy to get into research, so it's easy to get that experience once you're here.