School supplies you NEED for college

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So I thought I'd share with you the school supplies you definitely need for college. So these are my favorite school defies essentials that I love using my past two years at college and that you may use this phone. First thing that you're obviously gonna need is a backpack. This is the backpack that I used in high school and in college, and it's just a black Herschel bag. I don't really like lugging around too much stuff at once. I'd rather, like go back to my dorm and grab things throughout my day if I need to. Is it a caring like a massive backpack ground? Just click back problems, you know, Next thing we're probably gonna need for college, we just kind of unfortunate because they're really expected is a laptop. I personally didn't get a new laptop for college. I've had my laptop since my freshman year of high school, and I'm now going to junior year of college. Like all my homework, I know for a lot of my classes. So it's definitely something that you might meet some nice college school supply essential that you need is a planner. No, I'm telling you, Laura was a planner right down your assignments do these things, but like it really does help if there's one big difference between college and high school, is that you have so much free time in college, but also a lot more responsibility and a lot more things to do. So getting a planner, writing down for dates, um, definitely help you. Four beds don't quite remember which one, but it's like one of the three for the next school supplies essential that you're gonna need for college is a notebook to write down notes in class. I know some people like to use their laptops, Take notes. I personally I'm a strong believer in writing things down and that if you write it down just like sticks, better at least for me. The reason why I really like this notebook and I also really like the Kate Spade no books is because paper is really thick. So when you're writing on it, it doesn't bleed through the next school supplies. There's good for, like, a really neat no taking. Okay, so the next Penn Sashi marker that I absolutely love for taking notes are these two below fine liners. Trust me, they're always on sale for, like the really large pack for $10 which, honestly is like such a good deal could also find these and other like arts and crafts stores or on Amazon. This next item I used so much past four year whether it was in class taking notes, are going over nodes like re highlighting things. You must be really obnoxious and give you a headache. Fuel can Tums just so bright and annoying, you know, But he's he's cute. Next thing you're gonna want to get for college is just some good old fashioned pencils. I know, at least for a lot of my larger lecture costs is my exams were Scantron, so you needed a number two pencil. So go get another school supplies essential for college. That so many people look over when they're going to school is a calculator and specifically just, you know, a basic calculator, not a graphing calculator. Now, fancy shmancy one, just like a good old fashioned scientific calculator is what you're gonna need for a lot of business courses business, math classes, economic classes, statistic causes. I think I got this in middle school pencil like bright neon pink color. So get yourself one of these because you're probably going to various things and that scissors I know it feels silly. I'm telling you to buy a pair of scissors, but you know we're no you want to do a D i Y craft project. You're gonna need to cut up poster board to do a project for your art. So my next school supply, essential you're gonna need for college is not an actual tangible thing. I'm just letting you know that quisling helped me so much this past year. Then my final school supplies essential is a whiteboard. So I use my wife for this past year I had on my desk in my dorm, and anytime I had any major assignments Ruler who worked d'oh, where things for work. Then I was right there on my desk for me to look at every day, and then I could check things off once I got them done. So those air on my school supplies essentials for college. You guys like this video? If he did, make sure you get a big thumbs up and subscribe down below for more back to school videos and college flaws and just videos about Temple University and college In general, if you guys have any back to school video ideas or quest, definitely make sure leaving down blue chip come out.