School of Communicaion and Media

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Okay, so right now we're walking from a building that we were just in the Center for Environmental and Life Sciences. Dad, right here as our folks Teo Studio Theatre usually theater majors, re hairs there have causes. There have two friends that in theater, two meters and a half classes there. We're walking towards the other algae authority because we have to. A couple of weeks ago, which has had a concert at the spring concert, a boogie was here with the hoody. Um, I'm gonna of late games and all that stuff. It's recalled right holiday because first you get you get free food and I love free food. A lot of times like there's always, as I already said, there's always something going on on campus, so you usually get free food and what is not bad. So you'LL be fine. Um Okay, so here's another building who usually has. They said dance classes are here then right there is the School of Communication and Media. We think that this one was before, like, a couple of months before the school of business. Um, sometimes New Jersey News comes here, and Polonius twelve, they come here and they record here, which Great, Because we get our name out there case or hear e r. This school of communication in media. So we're now out of the school, communication and media and we're walking towards this break Lavery and all the pain that is this break Claverie. Like they don't have burgers are less oddly have, like damages crows on soups, salads and a list of I'm showing it to you guys. You were walking through the great Ivory, the slicked main floor we have searched through and upstairs That service basically most research books, college writing. They'LL teach you how to come to the library, and I love part book and reserve it and all that stuff a room for my first writing class. Or like if I was supposed to just, um, give my I'd pay for it. I was supposed to park like never forces help you and then teach you how to do it. Did you have to look for it on the Internet? Because maybe he sent a physical book, But it's like an article that its online that we have so you can look for it.