SBU College App Advice from Lakshta

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If you're looking to apply toe spu fearsome college application advice that may help you boost your chances of getting accepted. Definitely strengthen your academics as much as you possibly can. Now, you may have already heard about this from your guidance counselor, but your transcripts as well as your s a t r a t exam scores, serves a really significant aspect of your entire college application. Since the African pool ranges your tear, there really is no cut offs. Something to consider is that for the most part, that average and coming Seawolf typically has an average above 90% on the 100% scale and a score of over 13 country. So it's really important that you try to boost your G P A and exam scores to the highest marks that possibly. The admissions officers already know that it's not possible to have perfect grades all of the time, so there is some consideration in this area. My next piece of advice to you is to really just be yourself. The admissions officers don't know you who you are, and all they have to determine that is the information that you provide on your application. So you should really try to make sure that what you write down on your app truly reflects who you are. I know that when I was going through the college application season as a high school senior, once upon a time, I was afraid of writing down all my really big accomplishments and highlighting the major contributions that I've made through the activities that I received simply because I didn't want to appear like an arrogant or over confident person. It's really important that you keep in mind that these admissions officers have no idea who you are, what you've accomplished and what you're really like. As soon as they pick up and reach your application, they're going to have a better understanding of the type of person that you really are based on the info that you give them. So be sure to include all the passions and accomplishments of yours that you've really made and that really strike out as the person that you really are. So if you really enjoy painting and have soldier paintings online, perhaps one a couple of art competitions because of that, that stuff is definitely something that you should put on your application so the admissions officers can understand the artistic and creative person that you are on my application for S P U. I specifically highlighted both my passion for the sciences and my love of teaching. They're both my extracurricular activities list. On my person statements, I included stuff like being a self employed tutor for four years, in which I helped students prepared for the New York State Science Regions examinations, as well as being both the co founder and president of my high school science club. I feel like by doing that, it really helped me earn the SPU acceptance that I wanted, even though my grades weren't the best of the best, and my exam scores important super high. In essence, you really do want to aim for having the admissions officers be able. Teo easily treated tagline for you as a candidate because that's how they're going to remember you by so none gillaspie sure to really sit down and reflect on all the progress you've made and all the things that you've done, because it's information like this that really distinguishes you as an applicant. You want to be able tio to write down and highlight what it is that makes you different from the average.