Say Hi To Leah!!

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Hi. My name is Leah Ward and I'm a sophomore here at Johnson and Wales University Providence. Or is the cool kids like to call it Jae Woo? Today I'm going to be telling you a little bit about myself and my experience here at Johnson Wales University. So go Red Sox, and I'm a designer of major students. So currently I'm taking classes and meeting communication studies, graphic design and advertisement. The gold when I graduate is to work for an ad company as a graphic designer or photographer. I started attending J Loop in the fall of 2020 and that semester ended up living at home because all my classes were online. To be honest, that wasn't the best experience, but I'm happy to be on campus now. I'm living in McNulty Hall, which is located in Gaby comments, which is right next to the library and the dining hall. This sex with my first time living on campus at J Crew. So I'm a little new to the on campus experience here, so all of you will be learning along with me and even makes both in person and online classes. I'm sort of living the best of both worlds in terms of my classes. My favorite courses I'm taking right now are my graphic design classes. The teachers and those programs really know what they're doing, and the projects are amazing.