Sarah tells you about Buswell Library

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In a puzzle library, which is a three story library here on campus. There are a lot of really nice books here collections, all sorts of things like that, but there's also the weak in public. Library is about two blocks from campus, and you can get a library card there for free. A lot of students also make use of that library to get off campus a little bit. It's one of the nicest libraries, and I think it's in the state. They redid it just a few years ago, and it's really nice. Have a lot of really big collections, sort of really old books have a lot of music scores for musicians here on DH. Yeah, there's computer labs or tons and tons of computers he can use. I personally use Google Drive to save all of my work and papers so that if for some reason, my computer on my laptop stopped working. I can just head on into the library and used it on the computer labs here. They're also computer labs in the dorms and everywhere else, so you can go there as well. One thing that's kind of fun about metal is they always have an art exhibit going on in the cafe. Uh, exhibit that's going up tomorrow is actually my exhibit. I participated in it, and basically my friend to community. Our project will be all embroider different emotions that we felt it's a super abstract and re it's coming, Really, I embroidered those another green hung up on the wall in the cafe, so anyone who comes in can, like, look, att the things we did and see what our process with their. So it's really good at integrating different things, like art that students are doing on campus and sharing it with everyone who comes into the library because there are a lot of people here.