Sarah shows you Gold Star Chapel!

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It's right outside Beamer mean Holy feel past Sam's and solve your case. There's a cross up front there, stained glass windows on Pues there's a paper cross with prayers on it there, and this is a priest that is just wonderful. I come here in the middle of my day when I just need to be still in quiet. Because aside from the recording this video, this room is primarily silent and people can come and sit and just look at the main altar and then write on here. You can see there are lots of prayer requests have been written. Then if you see at the top, there will be a date. That means that someone, when someone prays Fred, they write the data to talk. If your friend knew, you could see the people have been praying for you in that one really cool thing that some of my friends started doing math here was creating a worship night on Saturdays. So I'm from like nine to eleven on Saturday nights. A whole group of people meet me here, Um, your guitars and voices, sometimes of prayer and Bible reading. It's completely student led people just come and worship in preparation for Sunday Home help is coming. Yeah, and then over here you can see there are lots of devotionals and Bibles in here. So if you didn't bring your own, you can pick up that. This just It's one of those places I can best for if you need to get away if you need to take a moment before a big test if you need Teo, I'm just coming here a process. It is quiet, and it is still is so wonderful for the soul because there are so few places on campus where it's actually quite, um, that's really a rarity. There'll be people next door playing ukulele or laughing with friends, and it's not bad noise, but it's just constant noise. So this is just completely a place away from everywhere else on campus. It's wonderful because right in the middle, so you can really access it wherever you are on campus. So yet this's Goldstar Chapel and it is definitely my favorite, like relax thought, hang out. What? It's just like really hidden and wonderful fear Jets Coaster.