Sadly, all good things must come to an end

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What is up, everyone? We're back here at the farmer's market. I got my little Sybil and just wanted to do my little closing statement and say that I had an amazing time working with campus. I had best college experience ever and just a senior giving you guys a little pointers. Uh, my parents and my family has helped me so much to be here in this private university. I have put a lot of work and effort, um, into my studies um, I also took all of college and I enjoyed everything. For what out I tried to go to, like, as many events I could go and just enjoyed every moment of it. I don't know, um, some of my favorite college memories have been in the freshman dorms. Just meeting all of my girlfriends that were still breast friends today, which is crazy. Yeah, I'm a bit my best friends are from freshman year, and then I'm just going to all the events school puts on, like, the pancakes way random. Me and my friend just came and, like, hung out and the farmer's market the other day, Drake came to campus like it was crazy. Enjoy college study a lot, but have a good time again. I hope you guys had a great time coming on this tour with me.