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Mary, welcome back to my channel, and I'm gonna be doing a room tour. I haven't done one since last year, but I'm in a different dorm room. I thought I would show you all what I'm working with here. Yeah, I'm gonna show you what my dorm room looks like. If you don't already know if you're new to my channel, people are always slamming their doors and I want to fill. Hey, what's up? So yeah, I'm a grad student here. Also in our is my second year is an r A. So that's why I have my own room. It's over in my other video action, would you guys? The string lights and I got from Amazon for gifts. Tokens extremely from Amazon length, Um, in the description box of interested in them. If you want to see what the settings look like, What CIA I bet is nothing special betting. Um, how about the rest of my clothes? My suitcase, Just a bunch of random stuff undermined some extra blankets and my sleeping back that blue thing over with. Then I had this dresser that came with the room. The bottom drawer that's not closing that has is full of plastic bags. This is kind of like my shower stuff shower caddy, hair products and all that stuff. This kind of stuff that I grabbed force all my hats and my scarves are in this basket. Men I have like Lucien and do you agree? And all this random stuff, my acne medicine. Oh, my Oh, my perfumes, hair oils, a mask and just random stuff. I just keep it there because I move it around based on how you know, the light is coming in my room or whatever, and I just have some shoes over here. So since I'm kind of over in this direction sure. Thes and more of like, my dress pants have a lot of dresses and, like, skirts and stuff on this side. This is basically the same stuff that I had last year. They're usually, but I said on them, because this seat is pretty low when I have my extra makeup here, it's a mess. Thing is not the makeup I used on a daily basis, but just keep it in the tack box. Here's some hair products, and would cops and stuff like that in here. I've been trying to keep it off of there just so that it, you know, stays somewhat meat. Yeah, it's not everyday makeup in this battle of the floor. Guess thing is from Wal Mart, I think on my make up brushes, foundation, makeup wipes, hair products and stuff like that, I realized it was sitting on top of my hair dryer while I was someone intro for this. Yeah, This is where I kind of just keep the plug here so that when I have to charge batteries there, right next to me, this is what it looks like from behind the soft box lights. I always keep it by there because I sit here, even just tell him to do my makeup. I believe that's over here to my fridge, which came with the room. Here's North LACMA Kitchen stuff seems to happen last year. Serial wipes, all that good stuff, piece of water over here. That's what I probably this like the most about this room, the slanted walls. I'm on the third floor of this building, so it's almost like an attic over here is not clean. Part of my room, my laundry, and then some stuff back there. I keep my jacket that I wear all the time on the chair, and that's by my desk. Um, and I have just some stuff on my desk That's empty box that's like a box of Ari supplies and then a lamp from one more calendar tissues jewelry holder. I feel like it kind of goes with the aesthetic over here, Um yeah, and then I have a bunch of pictures, and then my lights are kind of like hanging over and so, yeah, this is the view of my room from the other side of my room, and I feel like looking at it this way does look pretty species, but yeah, that's pretty much my If you have any specific questions about where I got anything in particular, let me know now in the comment section and I'll respond back to you. I have one of those I filmed, and I also have my dorm room toward from last year. We know you have any questions, concerns, whatever on make sure subscribe.