Running around Bertrand Library

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Hill to Bertran library and a little facts about birth Bertrand Library is that it is five has five stories. It has all of the school's archived books on it. It has a coffee stand inside it where you can buy Starbucks has a computer lab and it basically, as everything that you could possibly need, also has a tech help center that you, Khun go, Teo, if you're having troubles with your laptop, it's really nice and clear out today. When it's warm, this little sitting area is really nice. If you want to, like, sit down and watch a sunset, I come out here to sketch sometimes. There's There's a library, guys. I'm being really quiet because nobody's being really allowed around me. I'm just gonna show you guys some places inside the library while we're looking versus books. I'm gonna take you guys to my favorite study spot inside the library. That's a quiet floor, so we're not gonna say anything. Right now I am in one of the private study rooms on the second floor in Bertrand Library, and these rooms are up for reserve for Bucknell students. If you want to do, like, a big group project or if you just want a private room to focus and study and you can reserve it to make sure that nobody else disturbs you. Other rooms have projectors, and all the different resource is that you may mean for whatever kind of academic you work you're doing. We're on a quiet floor right now, which it means that people appear probably doing some intense studying, so you can't make a lot of noise. So she was the engineering building and that is Economic East being built. I want to show you, you guys one last name on the bottom floor of the library. We have these moving bookcases, repression, but and they move. I like to call them the Hogwarts put cases because I feel like I've been the hot courts when they move.