Room Tour with Tay!

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It's sweet style living instead of the traditional, uh, community style living that you see in a lot of residents halls. Like I said, I live in the two person suite, which means we have a suite. Uh, me and my roommate each get our own bedroom, and then we share a bathroom and a little tiny common room and the six person sweets. There's three bedrooms, so two people to a room and they get a very large common room. So it's like a toilet sink in a mirror and then a shower room That's basically just your shower cubicle. I lived in a six person suite last year, and I live in a two person sweet this year. Uh, tip number one, bring us and decorations for your room. Ah, lot of college dorms tend to be very small and bland on bringing decorations can really make your room feel like home. I keep a couple of my snacks, vitamins, popcorn, hot chocolate, all of that. Uh, if there's ever a time when you're hungry and you really don't feel like actually going out and getting food for sure get some snacks to keep in your space that you can just grab right up on this top shelf. Paper plates, jars Oh, there's my dishwashing stuff. Toiletries definitely bring a medicine box that, really, really, and keep all of your stuff together. So this little space right in here, there's my bed. So it's just this cozy little nook that I made that has some pillows. I have some pretty lights and such, um, this big storage bin keeps all of the stuff that I don't use daily but used from time to time, and it keeps it out of the way, which is really nice. That's my little bit of cleaning supplies and my yoga mat. I have a three drawer of, like, some clothes and stuff like that. I kind of have my miscellaneous like duct tape, toothpaste, a straightener, command hooks, all that kind of stuff. Definitely bring lots and lots of photos from home if you ever get home. Second, uh, you just want to think of your friends and family from back home, Especially if you go really far away to college. I have this little shelf and I have a couple little mementos from home. Um, another to definitely bring something from your hometown. Where? Have my hoody, Mikey's, my gym bag, my purse, all of that stuff. This is where I keep all of my stuff that I wanted Night. I, if you happen to make your own troll hole or little nook under your bed pool noodles taped to the bottom is super handy. Um, and I really love this because I print out new photos every year and I add a couple new ones so pretty full right now. So I just keep all of my make up in this little three door thing. I also have this little three door thing down here where I keep some personal care stuff like cotton balls and all that, you know, hair clips, now polish remover. Bring the lamp so you could study at your desk and they can sleep. I don't really keep a hole on that top shelf for you is I'm really sure, But this is where I keep all of my shoes. Here's where I keep all of my clothes towels go down there, and then we have just some sweat. We have a couple of photos to dress up the area right over here. Um, definitely do this if you're trying to stay organized and if you I need to know where your remaining is. If you're just wondering where they are, here is something that Lexie made. That's our initials, and we have a little clock. So this so shower curtain and shower, man, that's a little tolerance for over tells and we have hooks on the back of the door as well. We used to command Hook to hang up on this little organizer inside our shower. We keep our shampoo and such in this three George thing red into the sink. So that was a quick look at the two person suite at founder's at B G s u. I really, really love it in here. Founders is a really awesome resident hall, essentially located and really lucky that I get to call it home, so by ice.