Room Tour

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So this is my room, and I share it with another roommate. I'm not going to show you her side of the room right now just because it's really messy, and I think she would prefer you not see it. It's a pretty decent sized, but we are upperclassman. So most freshman and sophomore housing would be a lot smaller than this. I don't really like doing work here just cause I prefer to do it in the library and want not have my sewing project on my chair right there for my costume in class. Our rooms, cactus themed and some dead flowers that my parents got me for the show I was in a few minutes ago. I have this portrait of my dog that I've had since my freshman year, and they keep all my books right here. I think that's one of the worst parts about my room is just all the stuff I have under my bed. It's not aesthetically pleasing, but I do really like my dick auras. I've said It's cactus themed and here is my dresser and I have my salt lamp, my essential oil diffuser. Then I have have some slimes that I play with books. I have some slimes that I play with when I'm stressed and some and then on my closet. I like to write affirmations and reminders for myself and your closet slides open and our tapestry, and that's about it.