Rieke Science Center: Professor's offices, Projects, and Study Spaces

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Next up, we're gonna head into the Ricky Science Center right behind me here. This building is home to all of our natural science classes. We have our cadaver lab in here to repress our offices. Here is professor offices to all around me here, all professor offices. Love is just how accessible professor officers are here in our natural science area. So for any students that come in, see professors, there's lots of different options. So that's what I really appreciate about our natural science building is that professors are never too far away locked away. Next, take a look at some of the caps on projects since was munching before in the past about for the social sciences, how we have to do our presentation in different products for that for the natural sciences, there's actually different exhibits that students created. Really great project to show sort of some of the different student achievements that people have done of these of some pretty incredible things. We'll see some other clothes, looks in microbiology and some of the other microscopes and other products that have been done here. The last part I want to share just before we head up to the open lab is this open study area. So there's computers that are available for students. Whiteboards are available for love or national science student, so next I want to go upstairs and take a look at open lap.