Relationship with Professors

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Okay, So in this video, I'd be talking to you about professors on downtown and like office hours and things like that. I've met a lot of professors as I'm almost half of myself for you. So press was down here once that I've met and I've really liked are the ones where I'm just very consistent with my work, and I just talk to them. If I'm struggling, like, hey, extra day to do this, sometimes they say, No, I'm gonna be real with you. It's just like letting them know what's going on in your day to day life or just telling them like, Hey, I don't understand this concept. You go over this with me, things like that, and they're very understanding the other professors. If you see that professor has a low rating or very hard grader, or has a lot of homework to find out what teachers that you would like to work with, what type of teaching style works best for you? Because, honestly, you're not like all teachers. Let me know what I need to do ahead of time and are very consistent and are very and show like that. They want you to succeed, not balloons that are just like I'm just here for you know what I mean? But overall, I would say all the pressures that I've had eight out of ten of them are amazing because they're all very good at their jobs. They understand that as a college student, Yes, we have jobs. We have class, We have school that same thing way, have jobs we have last day of social life's good clubs, all these things that take a majority of our time. Also they help you figure out ways to best deal with it. Yeah, if you ever like our stuck with professor that is hard or just doesn't really work with you, I would talk to your visor that you'll get We're honestly just figure it out, Talk to the press like, Hey, I don't understand this concept. Could you please explain to me and maybe could we work during your office hours? Things like that Also officers airport some teachers. I have went to their office hours because they required it. Others I went to their office hours, like on slack or whatever, so that it's more accessible. There, there and there will always be there on their office hours.