Quick Facts About Temple

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Look, Ricky, in this video, I'm going to talk about some quick facts about Temp University, which I'm rapping today, kind of totally by chance. It has about thirty thousand undergraduate students, about ten thousand grad students. That's like forty thousand people spread out and there are several campuses. There's also like the center city portion of that. There's also the Ambler program, which is more of a rural aspect, which has some other field. You can also take classes at your freshman year and then come to the main campus for suffrage in your seat here, which is pickle. Tom University is a state school public school, and it's in North Philadelphia. These are all like the buildings and then finish all around here, or apartments for students live. About seventy percent of the students are from Pennsylvania, and then I guess thirty percent are not. I'm one of them, those thirty percent because I am from New Jersey, which still is in that pharmacy mania. I will say even from even though most people offer Pennsylvania, penciling is big state. There's lots field from all over Pennsylvania, so it's not just like they're stabbing two percent of the same people around. There's still such a diverse culture here, and it's really, really, really, really, really incredible. According to the website, that just checked a fifty fifty eight except percent acceptance rate so you could easily get in if you tried. The overall student faculty ratio is fourteen to one. I think that's probably pretty skewed from like the small honors classes and smaller like upper level classes. Unless you want Giant Lecture Hall, which is like anywhere from one hundred fifty teo, maybe three hundred people, you'LL still always have that last period or the recitation with a smaller group, so it probably will feel a lot more like that closer ratio, so that's pretty exciting. So Temple has almost a thousand five hundred like art events that I think everyone puts on lots of plays. There's so many things you could do on campus every foot first every Friday. You don't want to go like rah rah partying. Then you go to a night owl, that which is really nice and every first Friday, the month they have bingo. You could win really nice stuff, like Airpods or speaker or something just from winning. I haven't won being your yet, but so my friends have one being so It is possible. And a lot of suffering to give one school. Like intercollegiate sports clubs, it is thirty three Greeks like Greek life organizations like three hundred plus general clubs, service programs, it really has everything. You bu everyone be here and do what ever you want to do here. If for some reason, the club they want that public you want isn't he is not in existence. You get something together and you can make it happen. The only thing I will say about Temple is that it is really windy.