Quick facts about Montclair

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This is a video of what we can call my adventure around the train to my past. Among their what you guys enjoy that you were a national university and we were also rant in twenty nineteen efficient, best national University. We have approximately twenty thousand students or student population. It's really diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, religions and sexual orientation. Did you know in the ground because I just moved here a year ago? I have so much support from the school and there's so many organizations that help me. He makes you feel at home that everybody respect your traditions, your axe and your skin collar like everybody's really friendly. We were also name is a top twenty five lgbt Q lost friendly campuses. As I already said, I'm a sister of Beta Phi Alpha. You were one of the five national sororities here on campus. We also have the Interfraternity Council has seven fraternities. We have the local council with six local organizations from the here, among where four sororities and fraternities. This means that you're not going to find this organizations in any other campus. We have the independent counsel that has four gender inclusive or musical organizations. The United Greek coalition has twelve Latino on multi cultural organizations. It's great that we have such a broad, great community because of you guys know well. You are probably aware that in a lot of campuses are shutting down and we try tio increased Greek unity, and we're all great together, no matter the letters. It's not about parties, is just about helping people in having a connection with everybody. I also want to talk about how great is that Ice, a commuter at the same college experience, acidic someone that lives on campus. They really worry about all of our students having the same experience, so they have a lot of events, are really accessible with ours and everything. They have events everyday and throughout the week and there's so many clubs. As I said, you get the whole experience I want because I was really worried that I wasn't gonna be able to enjoy this four years of college. I'm actually enjoying it and join us already hard, A lot of collapse.