Piano Row and Dorms: In which Ben shows off a messy/empty room

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Yellow guy's been, and I'm currently going to walk you through some a gonna walk you through a piano, wrote my dorm. Uh, when you walk in, get over here and there's a tap desk because there was a security guard, People also moving out. There's a tap desk when you go up to it, and you have to happen with your idea what you're given. You also have wonderful people like Jackie Here, we're here, do it. Yeah, and then you just keep going on in on DH all in the next station. Basically you continue this way and you get Teo, you know, you can access the bill that's hijack stall the buildings here on Anderson's campus and stuff. Then you also, you know, for the dorms you have to tap in a second time. At another place where you have theories and the audience are there. You know, if you're an on campus student, you can tap in. If you are off campus, like or don't live in the dorms like me, these parents here, you have to you have to sign them in. Then you also signed them out whenever you are leaving. Yeah, that's generally how? Like dorms like buildings Work on DH. Next, I'm going to magically appear up in my room, so no, here. I apologize in advance for if it is messy and if there's not that much stuff in it. You get keys, which I will pull out of my pocket. My hands are a little full, so hold on, you get keys. So you got your dough? I'm keep that Opens like the Sweet, and then you get another key that opens the door for your actual, like room in this week. And basically I'm just gonna give you a quick little tour. So in the P ro dorms, you get like, little common area like this with, like, a sofa on some chairs and things. Yeah, it's just basically like storage space for, like, probably kitchen. He thinks no stove technically allowed to have any, like hot plates or anything, either. Then this door and this is a six person sweets was three doubles. I apologize in advance for the fact that my room of the mess and also packed. Then if you're lucky, you get you of the commons, which is really cool and really fun and doesn't always happen. I apologize for the fact that, like, all my stuff is like taking down, but we're not. If you're going to Emerson, you're going to be a creative person. So use your little noggin and be creative like Emerson student, because that's what we do. Uh, that's it for piano row guys in dorms Oh, wait, Allied. Other thing there's actually common rooms and some of the floors. If you ever have something that is broken, you can call facilities management or putting out put in a work order online for like something broke, like the toilet or like a thing, and then you get it fixed. I usually get my lifted because it's better for storage space.