Personal Academic Experience

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In today's video, I'm going to be discussing my personal academic experience here at johnson and Wales University. So as I mentioned before, I am a culinary arts major. Well, really got me interested in joining culinary arts program is just the aspect of food. Um, I've always been a foodie ever since I was a little kid. Um, it's actually funny because growing up and everything, I was always in the kitchen with my mom. Like I would always like pull up my little chair, whatever next to the calendar. He's always asked her mom like, hey mommy, can I please help you cook? Whatever, what are you making? And she would always like, let me help her cook. There was given one time where she had me like sit on the counter before and I would just help her cook and stuff. Um, I actually attended a vocational high school back in Jersey city, New Jersey called County Prep high school where I was able to first study culinary arts. Ever since then that's when my interest in culinary just grew even more. That's when I was like, you know what? Hey, I think I should go to culinary arts school. Ever since I attended culture and art school, I feel like I've made the right decision. So what I would definitely say is for someone who is considering my major, I will definitely say is don't ever feel afraid to ask questions now. Um Some potential students might feel like, oh my God is it like Gordon Ramsay or something like that? Like the chefs yell, they really don't. Um The thing is that some of the chefs, they yell for a reason and their strict for a reason. I would say don't take everything that they tell you very personal because it's to help you, but more on the academic side of culinary arts. Um It is, I will say like it is a bit different compared to being in the kitchen because um it's more like textbook work and you're learning more like the business side of culinary versus actually doing something that's hands on. Um I would definitely say that it's very, very fun, especially in the kitchen because you get to engage with uh with different students who come from different states and you get to learn a lot from them, but also you get to learn how, you know, they have worked in the industry before they even came to johnson and Wales university. Honestly, I feel like that is such an amazing thing to learn from everyone because hey, there's always room to learn from something, you know what I mean? So I would definitely say the workload for my major, it's, it's actually not a lot, but like once you hit your senior year, oh, it is a lot when I tell you. I mean at the end of the day though, it'll be all worth it because you know, you're doing something that you do love and this is something that I want to do in the future. I really want to have my own businesses work with everyone that I can network with and everything. What I would definitely say is that it may look like a lot, but trust me, it will be worth in the end and like I mentioned before, don't ever feel afraid to ask questions because you know, that's what we do here at johnson was university. Um, you know, whether you have experienced or not, again, there's always room to learn. So they'll ever feel like you can't ask your own chef instructor a question or even your classmate a question. Um, you know, everyone is very helpful and that's part of being, you know, part of the culinary team is you have to help each other out and I feel like that's the beauty of being culinary artist, just learning that too. What do I think of my classes? So right now, I'm currently taking a class called capstone. So basically it's the class where you develop a business plan and that's where you're able to like, um, develop your own concept, whether it's fine dining or casual and you work with a group and this is pretty much like, hey, you learned everything you need to learn for the past four years now and johnson Wells University now show us what you got. So this is a perfect opportunity for you to be creative and create your own recipes and showcase what you have learned at johnson and Wales University. I would definitely say for the last thing too is the biggest difference between high school and college academics. You know, sometimes I do miss going to high school because I sometimes miss um you know, some of the workload, I remember I used to complain like, oh my God, so much homework, but then now I'm in college, I'm like, whoa, it's so different. Um the difference between high school and college academics is more of um when you're in college, you have to be really on top of your work and you have to manage your time correctly, whereas in high school they somewhat help you with time management and everything. I feel like in college you have to, you know you're more your own when people tell you that you're on your own in college it's true you're on your own but it's not a bad thing at all because there's a lot of things that you can learn from that. For instance I pushed myself when it came to studying when it came to do my homework and everything most of the time I was still very late just to even finish the assignment. Honestly I would definitely say that you know if you really want to be able to manage the workload like you know whether it's like doing homework and studying, I would definitely recommend setting up a schedule for yourself and look look through your regular like school schedule just to like think about, okay like if I have this class in the morning and no classes for the rest of the day. You know take that opportunity to study ahead for your classes because once you already in the semester you're not gonna have time to do anything else and trust me, I get it. I hope you all enjoy this video and everything.