PART 2 High School vs. College

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So as far as the rest of my high school vice goes, it's definitely more than just like the academic side of things. It's also like high school, like you live at home with Mom and Dad added, like Mom's like, Hey, like, how's this class going? Like, you know, like constantly checking in? Um, they're making sure you're eating dinner. You get lunch at school, like in your schedule type thing. You're like you have your scheduled classes and everything. When you play me Len throughout the day, like no one's gonna remind you to say, Hey, you need to go to the dining hall. Need to goto Husky Lounge and you go to the Screen Commons. No one's there to remind you that that's on you. So you don't remember to eat and take care of yourself seeming with eating dinner, whether you're cooking in an apartment anywhere owner off campus or you're in a residence hall and Mayko microwaveable food there, or go to somewhere on campus to E, you need to remember to do that. Secure yourself and same thing with showering and personal hygiene. Just taking care of yourself, making sure that you're keeping your space clean yourself clean so that you're not getting sick because everybody's like sharing germs. College is a lot more people, a lot more interaction. It's not just like a small knit little community like within your high school, so students tend to get sick a lot easier if it's really important, like you're taking care of yourself, eating right, getting good amount of sleep, too. That's definitely the second big thing is moments that aren't there. Welcome to your bedroom it like 10 30 11 o'clock at night and say, Hey, you make sure you get to bed in the next half hour. Make sure you set your alarm and get up out There isn't any more. It's up to you to get out of bed in the morning and go to class. It's up to you to make sure you get your homework done early enough in the evening, eat dinner and get yourself to bed. It's so that you're well rested for the next day. I know that's a big thing with me, especially this semester. I have class from 8 a.m. to noon. That's four hour straight, right out of the gates of waking up in the morning. Then I work afterwards and admissions the tour guide in doing things through system media such as these videos I could make for a really long days for me. So getting my rest before those days is very important that I go to bed early. I need a skin like get sleep and take care of myself and make sure I'm gonna have the energy to get through that day type thing. That's the biggest difference between high school college. Community students always That's a different story. For students living on campus is your first time, like staying away from your parents kind of experience with being an athlete and traveling to play sports, and my parents weren't always along um, just being without family, you need to remember to take care of yourself and do what you gotta dio one of my advices was keeping a planner that due time management, do your homework in, like, keep up with your classes everything. It's the same thing with reminding yourself t e and to sleep. Some of our tour guides like we're so busy we set timers are phone remind ourselves like Go get lunch, remind ourselves to goto bed. Remind ourselves like that We have the next hour to do homework like we do what we gotta do to make sure that we're not only seeking our current of ourselves, but doing what we need to do as students of this university, the Hebrew GPS out to get good grades and do our own private students. So that's really like the biggest piece and why I want to make a separate video because it's just really, really important, especially for incoming students that you get in the groove, right? A way of making sure you're taking care of yourself because the mission and reason why you're here at Bloomsburg is because of you, because of your future, because of your degree and everything. So it's most important that you're seeing care of yourself so you can get the most out of your experience here.