On campus living

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I'm currently a junior at the university and say I'm going to be talking all about living in a residence. So my first year as incoming Husky, I lived in Colombia. Halt! I lived on the third floor, and I absolutely loved it to this day. Me and my roommate from my first year talk about it all the time living and told your first year's honestly, one of the best experiences you have you gain so much from living in residence called by When you expect so. First you shave ice the average room where you will receive. So here's a new from my freshman year in our room. Every room will come with two wardrobes, two desks and two beds, one for each. A micro fridge to every room comes with a microwave and refrigerator, and there also is a spots plug in a cable courts. You are more than welcome to bring a TV your first year. One can do randomize where you go on housing execution and you fell out a little questionnaire about yourself, and then they match you up with someone who they think is most compatible with you. Are you interested in all sorts of things like that and no match you up with somebody or you can choose your So if you happen to know somebody who's also going to the school and pick deliver them. There may be a family friend, or another option is we actually have a Facebook page for every single graduating class, so you guys can go head on there, and what you do is you post a little blurb about yourself. You talk about where you're from, what you're interested in, what made you're going to study all sorts of things like that, and then other people can comment on it, and you can look through and see other people, and usually you leave. Some of your social media is maybe your phone number and then you kind of get to talking to other people. I met her on Facebook, and it was the best decision I made out of my whole entire college career. She is my best friend now that we have lived together, every single your sons and we're living through that issue, too, and plan to next year for our final year. First nations, you are so close all of your classes. So if you do have an 8 a.m. and you're not really a morning person, you are close enough to somewhere classes where you could be rolling out of bed at 7 50 make it to class on time. You are fully involved in the community, so you are strapped by students who have living next to students. That's really nice, because often that's how you make most of your friends is by the live away from people you associate with So when you're living there, you're with other students every single day, all day long. Me are my best friends out, and I'm currently living with all of them this year. Another problem on campus is that you also will have a meal planted it. So coming from high school, this is a big transition. There are a lot of things that are going to change in your life. You kind of have to adapt to get used to a new routine. So it's kind of nice because living on campus kind of slows you into that. So although you have solid responsibility because but I living on your own now you're responsible for doing your work. At least you don't have to worry about actually cooking for yourself because you'll have a meal plan so you will now have to go somewhere to get your food. So it's also a definitely a huge fuss about living on campus because it kind of slows you in. Teoh, living on your own and taking care of yourself because you still have to manage your time to get dinner and lunch and breakfast. You'll have to make it for yourself yet so that suddenly baby steps and getting because it place for living on campus, would be to decorate your room in whatever way is going to make you feel. It's your new home, so you want to decorate it and everyone knows you guys feel comfortable. When you walk in, you're not just seeing a room with cement walls. I also lived in Seoul tall, which is also awesome place on campus old houses, approximately 400 of our students. Currently it is above the bookstore and the Chick fil A. So that's what the flu typically Padova and the books are so it is kind of like an apartment style, so you can move in a single double, triple or quad and each option to get your own bedroom. So I looked in a quad, so I live with 300 girls each other inventions, and then they had to back. So one of your teammates could be showering or using toilet while you're brushing your hair or brushing your teeth and using the sink, which is a really, really awesome plus. It comes to the big common room and a full size refrigerator, which is really cool and also comes like a little mini coffee table. It is suddenly enough room we put a whole time from time mayor, so I definitely recommend Lily insults. It was really nice to you can just for another year, because I honestly, really, really during my time working on campus, and that's why you chose this myself for year two.