Office of Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports (OPERS)

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Then the whole site of Oprah's is where we have, like, fields like a dance studio in here. They're like we have a racquetball court sucking showing you. Stop assuming that was wrestling, because it looked like that's what they were doing down there, not playing racquetball. We have a really large variety of sports and clubs, and there's definitely something for everybody. You just really got to check it out like previous life in situations that you normally wouldn't expect. Looks like it's being used for just bad men right now. That is a basketball interesting Jim, and then right next to it, we have outdoor basketball. So if you're interested, it's always nice when it's like the weather's nice. Oprah's is where we have our office of physical education. Like, basketball courts in here, basically anything outdoors. He operates out of this office on the side of campus. Okay, so I'm at the pool right now is being rented out right now. All of our sports teams, clubs and, like whoever wants to rent it out, can do that. Also it's open for free, swim on certain time of day and that's pretty awesome. I think so if you just wanna, like, hang out and get some exercise this perfectly. So downstairs is where we have all the life gym workout stuff. If you go upstairs, you have all of our offices. We have offices for, um, all of our recreation staff. Intramural sports also operated out of this building. If you're into anything outdoorsy working out, be healthy. This is your place and something that I'm going to vouch for real quick because I love it's not setting. So our rec department is personally one of my favorite things about Santa Cruz because I've gone on so many cool backpacking trips, hiking trips, camping trips to the wreck. Um, yeah, I've been to cool places have been on like, are we going backpacking trip to Utah? I've been backpacking through the Sierras, and yeah, it's just really awesome. Everyone is supercool and quirky and like very, very welcoming. Yeah, when I went on within this orientation, so if you're interested in that check that.