North Quad Building

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This is another academic building that you will want to make sure you have on your radar. This is Thie Freshman advising Building, also known as the North Quad Building. This is where freshmen will go to stick with their advisors about classes and Oh, my gosh, a black squirrel. Guys, there's animals like everywhere on this campus. I was in here a ton of times to schedule my classes. Right? On every place that's in this building is the Learning Center modern language office. Here it is the College of Sciences in Daddy's office. Have you inner city majoring in that everything is really close. I think right now what I will do is two the learning center. Okay, so the learning centre is where you go? Two Thanks. Learning Centre is where you go to kind of catch up on some touring. If you needed tutoring, help or assistance, I have okay update. I wasn't allowed to film the Learning Center, but you guys know where it's located him so Yeah, that is the North Korean building. I'll meet your freshman advisors in this building. Let me think you'll meet your freshman advisors in this building you can schedule to drink Russians. This is also where most classrooms are held for classes like humanities, social work and other related fields. This is a classroom for one of the humanity classes or social work. There's no set classroom in college, kind of just getting where you fit in and teachers teach wherever they're told, and these are wearing your professor's office.