Nicholson Library

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Now we're going into the Nicholson Library, which is our library on campus. One of the coolest things about our library is that it's open to the public, so that means it's open. That means it's open for all of our brakes on campus. So if someone is staying here over Thanksgiving or whatever, they can come in here and study. Still, it's not close to anybody so that it's really nice. Um, we're gonna get a little quiet here because we're walking in the library. So right now we're walking down one of our rows of books and we have really cool sculptures made by all the students, as you can see behind me out of toothpicks. Um, they're made a couple years ago, and they've been on display in the libraries. That just shows one of the things that's really cool about Lynnfield. This, that they showcase student work, which is one of my favorite things is people get recognized for the hard work that they're doing. Um, right now I'm walking into one of the computer labs here in the library. It's covered the walls are covered with art, and all of it is really fun on there's computers in here that people can come and use if a lot of people don't have laptops on campus. A lot of people who will come to study and all of that kind of fun stuff. There's also some tables over here with lights and stuff, so if you're in here late at night, you can definitely come in at the library. Um, so then, as you're walking down the halls in the back of the library, there is multiple private study rooms, which is one of the best parts about the library here, because these silly rumors have whiteboards so anybody can just go in the study rooms and study. Anytime during finals week, the library's open for twenty four hours. So when everybody's cramming and trying to study for finals and stuff, you can come in here at two in the morning. If you need Thio, hopefully you won't need to, but the library's has really good hours most of the times of the year, anyway, on it's pretty available. The students I want to show you guys one of the studies right now. Um, this one doesn't have one of the white boards, but like I said, they're readily available for anybody. Um and then over here we have some catches and stuff for people to just chill out if they want to come back and sit back here and read and that kind of stuff that's super available, too. There's a lot of stuff here, and another cool thing about it is that we are paired with a bunch of other schools. So if there's a book that you want that we don't have, like on the shelves here in the library, people can order those from different schools. I think, um, right now I'm walking through the rows of books I think were in nonfiction right now, but it's really cool because we partner with big schools like a University of Portland and that kind of stuff, and they will send us books if, um we don't have. We cleared out all the tables out of the way, and we had music and a deejay, and it was super fun. I'm taking you back right now to another would have been a little study area right here. Like in the wintertime, when it's really cold, you can come and snuggle up by the fireplace and read your book, which is really good just for studying and hanging out.