My major and thoughts at Gonzaga - with Ajay

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I'm a nursing major, Zurich Gonzaga, which is very different for a first year student on, uh, I didn't undergraduate for your college because nursing I like to get a nursing major public university or a normal universe. You would have to go through the prerequisites first and then apply to go or to get into nursing school later. Because of that, it's a lot harder, uh, to get into, especially a larger schools such as l. A or U Dub because there's so much more competition. So that's a big reason why I chose Gonzaga University because the nursing school, it was automatic acceptance based on the first year application on the Common, the experience has been really creates a nursing school They said it would be really. Or I know it's gonna be really hard sophomore year and up after again to the actual nursing program in junior year. A lot of people said that the first year is going to be really difficult, and I got really scared. I can assure you, nursing students, if you are coming. Two guns at universities, nursing school that it really isn't that much to worry about that for the first year, we'll be totally fine. I totally believe in you the nursing, the nursing. My schedule is really compact compared to other majors except for engineering, because theirs is really compact as well. Because of that, I don't really get very much of the way into the class, is that law? College students would get to take by choice, so that's one downside. Other than that, I think it's a really great opportunity and that highly recommended to anyone and everyone that supply into guns at university.