My Major and Me

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I'm a target with the missions, and I'm making this video to talk to you guys about what it's like to be a speech pathology major. Bloomsburg speech pathology falls under our communication sciences and disorders, so that includes both speech pathology and audiology. Basically, as an under grad student in this major, you take both speech path classes and audiology classes. Then after you finish your under God years, you go onto either your masters or your phD in either speech, pathology or audiology. Okay, so I know that when you come to college, choosing a major could be super difficult. My best advice is students is to choose something that you're passionate about because you choose something that you're really interested in. You're never gonna have to work a day in your life. So coming to college, I was super interested in their account to communicate with others, learning about language and improve my interpersonal skills and speech Pathology really helped me do all of that. I also have a passion for helping others, and that's basically what I do for the rest of my life. As a speech pathologist, so I'm really excited for what the future holds, and I hope that you guys confined your passionate blooms break as well. So I'm sure that over incoming freshmen are super carries about what kind of classes you're gonna have to take as a CSD major. Just to give you some examples of stuff that you might take. That's gonna be a lot of anatomy, but I promise you guys can get through it. We also have our anatomy classes for the structures of the throat and the mouth, and everything that helps speech happened. We also have required math class that you have to take as well as some of your genital classes. So as an under grad student in communication sciences and disorders, I'm a part of Michela Initial stands for the National Students for Speech Language Hearing Association. So basically as a part of this organization where you go out into the community and interact with those who have communication disorders, um, and we also have opportunities for academic and career development for the future on. This is a really awesome organization to be a part of because Basically, it's a building block to your professional career as a speech language pathologist or as an audiologist. Okay, so one important thing that Oliver, incoming speech language pathologist, an audiologist students should know is that in order to be a professional audiologist, you have to attend doctor at school in order to obtain your political doctrine. This means after your undergrad years, you're going to have to attend AA four year program to get your clinical doctor it for all of our speech language. Pathologist students, you're going to have to go to at least two more years of schools. Get your master's degree or you could go for your phD if you want to do that as well. So just so you know, your schooling does not stop after your undergrad years. You do have to continue on the graduate school, but Bloomsburg has a lot of awesome opportunities, and resource is to help you achieve that.