My Introduction

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Hi, My name's Lauren Schwarz Bart, and I'm currently a freshman in my second semester Temple University. I'm a film in media Arts major with a minor in general business studies, and I'm also an honor student. I'm from South Orange, New Jersey, which is a medium like size town in North Jersey, New York City, and I chose Temple University for a couple reasons. First of all, I love the film program, and that's my major. So that was like some interest in the school, and I just absolutely fell in love with the campus When I toward it. It was like a dark horse candidate that just totally blew me away. This was the first cool applied to the first luggage into, and now I'm here and I love it. Tampere University is a city school, but it's really nice because it's in North Philly, so it's not like right in City Center. It's super easy to get there that you can see it really like you concede you couldn't walk to City Center. You can also just like so I take the scepter for handy It's a pretty big school. It has about thirty thousand undergrad, but it doesn't like feel overwhelmed. I don't feel like I'm a number here and said, I feel like I'm just part of a really big, bustling, active community. I mean, I'm wearing Temple gear today and I didn't even like, plan that for this video. Like I just wear my gear because I'm proud of this school and so many people are proud of Temple. I absolutely loved being here makes me happy walk around campus. I feel like I I really picked the best place for me and I'm so excited take you along to see my room to see the campus, to learn more about it because, you know, this could be the perfect place for you as well.