My Final Word of Advice

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I know it sounds so cheesy, But on whether that's being you're not being afraid to pursue a romantic love or just telling your best friends that you love them every single day or, you know, helping a stranger do something that they need help with. I know that that's something that you hear at the time and that is so much easier is had been done. I know these things, but I can't even begin to tell you how much your life will change The moment that you start telling yourself that you're worth the love that you want. You are worth, um, people thinking that you are wonderful and amazing and people wanting to spend time with you like bye reminding yourself toe love yourself. I know it's so much easier said than done, but I want hundred percent believe that this is the time to do it. You're going to be with people that you've never really known before. So why not be the person that you love? You know what I'm saying? So I think that loving other people but loving yourself first and foremost is the absolute best advice that I can give to you guys. Like I said in number one, to try and love people into China's show support. It's going to make a world of a difference in the lives of the people around you. There is enough crappy things going on, but you don't need to add to it, you know. So if that just means being kind, telling the truth, not spreading rumors, you know, just just doing the right thing, try and have that upper hand when it comes to the morals and values. Ultimately that leads to so many people getting hurt that there's no point doing it. I know that it's so easy to want to kind of like join in with the crowd and show them that you have this like, cool, juicy bit of information, But it's not worth it. You don't want to be the people who are going to like you more for telling them information about other people, especially if it's not uplifting information. Like, if you're not empowering people than once the point, you know, we're put on this earth to lift people up there. That's what we're here for, to be kind to be happy to make other people happy. Let's make ourselves happy without hurting other people. You're not gonna be hurting so many people and there will be people that that mad at you for not giving them all the gossip. Those aren't people that you really want from friends. I can't tell you how many amazing people I have met because I decided to put my neck out there and really try for things. Um, I was able to get, you know, this amazing job with an amazing group of girls through her campus and being their leader and being ableto, you know, empower them and show them all the great things that they could do it. It is amazing to me that I can go into work and I can stand outside of the library and talk to people all day long and make new friends their work that way, um, being able to go on a adventure, trips being able go to Puerto Rico wass. You're still gonna have to learn how to talk in front of people on have those connections. Then by doing it at Surf Club or Fencing Club or Add Club or Pierce's are you know, like, why not learn how to network and a really fun environment with your friends? You know, uh, number five not to get behind on homework. Go get some chipotle a goto a party like all of these things do what you want to do to take a break from studying. You don't want to look back on your experience in college and be like, I wish I had done that differently because now is such a unique time in our lives. It is very, very easy to get wrapped up in the world of what our parents want. I just know that this plan over here is where I want. You really want to plan out your future and sit down and be like, Okay, who am I? Where do I see myself in ten years, What I want out of life and it will change. You looking at the pros and the cons and you're doing what really set your soul on fire What you are so passionate about, that's what's important Because you were going to love your life so much more if you major and art history as opposed to majoring in, you know, by medical science is, if you don't like biomedical sciences, you're not gonna enjoy that job. The meaning of life is to make yourself happy, to make the people around you happy, and to try and just bring good and peace is role as hippy issues. That's what we're here for, So make sure that you're making yourself happy and you're doing what's best for you and not what other people are telling you to do. That goes for friends and peer pressure and, you know, boyfriends, girlfriends, making sure that you are making decisions based off of what you want is going to really help you in the long run, to be a lot happier. I can tell you from personal experience that finding someone who makes you feel like you're wanted and making you feel like you're special and beautiful. Do not do not to, Not to, not to, Not to not ever settle for someone who doesn't constantly make you feel like you're wanted who's not constantly trying to text you in an appropriate way on inappropriate about a times that they want to see you and telling you how great you are and how amazing you are and making sure that you know they're lifting you up. If you feel like you know you are really into someone and they're just not feeling it, don't settle. If they don't make you feel absolutely wanted in special one hundred percent of the time don't go for it. I know it's so hard and it's so scary because we all want someone to love us and to be here for us. If you know that that's something that you want, you're looking to get into a relationship. Just know that it is so much better to be single than to be with someone who doesn't appreciate you and value you for all of the things that you are because you are worth it.