My Final Advice

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Hey guys today, talk about kind of like the final piece of advice, that kind of information that I wish I had when I was in high school or prospective freshman doing things like that. I know I talked about a little bit in our last video, but I also want to talk about when I was in high school. I never really did as much as I could definitely do done. That's because I was kind of, you know, pay attention, high school. I was kind of someone who's just very lax about it and didn't really care as much. I think the biggest thing that I did that really helped me and my application was actually picking up leadership. So I was actually the vice president of my key club at my high school, and I think it really did help me. It's like being a board member things like that because that just shows that you're more involved other than just being a general member, that I'd also recommend just kind of doing, you know, funding results. I thought working kind of helped me, you know, kind of learned how to organize my life, things like that. How do you know? Have a social life but also have work light and also do schoolwork and also, like family things like that. Again, having a job really helped me And I feel like things like that. Any extra things other than school are all kind of helping me kind of become an individual. Should be adult and like, kind of be the person to be and learn how to organize my life and how to, you know, make sure to give enough time for each thing that I need to do all that when I was in high school, I really kind of lucky and that I've been in the same district since I was in kindergarten. So I just got really lucked out and that I never moved us often. So college going in I was really nervous, cause one. Really? Hey, coming with friends or whatever, you know, things like that. Honestly, I think college is more friendly than it was in high school and high school people. We had their clicks like that, but in college, like everyone always open to having your friends trying new people, just like everyone so interested in, like do people in their different backgrounds and things like that. I really like that, But college and I feel like I love you. Don't realize that, you know, everyone is kind of in the same boat like you're all going in your all wanna. Like I mentioned in high school, I just kind of did like key club. I, like, didn't do much like, you know, a lot of like clubs extracurriculars. Went to school, came back to homework, went to work like things like that. I would highly recommend kind of joining doing things that are out of your comfort zone and like, you know, with being in college, I definitely have done that. I know in high school I was not like this, but I call it it definitely on more involved. I really had recommend being more involved, campus. I know in college right now that I've gotten involved with dance. I never did that in high school, which I really did wish I did. I would not like it would be so cool to try dancing things like that. Do that also recommend, you know, just kind of doing different things. You know what I do love like talk about my culture. I love about learning other people's cultures so I can do things like that, Uh, admissions tour guide. I never thought I'd be someone who's giving tours to prospective students like you guys, and that's like one of my favorite things I've done. Yes, I just put yourself out there and go do things. College time where you get to try anything's finding things for your passions. In college I started it, and I really have enjoyed trying find myself doing things I normally don't do and all that. So that would be kind of my advice for you guys again. You kind of develop yourself, but also kind of learned about your friends, you making friends from different places. You get to, like, get exposed to so many different things. You know, Always put yourself out there because you never know what you're gonna find, what you're gonna miss and all that.