My College Application EXPERIENCE!! + College Decision Reveal

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Its great also just really excited in general because I've been wanting to film this city for a while, but for my high school experience, it is so Ah, good. While now I've been wanting to film this, and I've just been, I guess, generating some things to talk about in this video since then. Why you Syracuse U G A L s u and I think I want to say there's another one, but that just goes to show that I really didn't care about it. I found that I really didn't want to be there because for a lot of different reasons, Like what? My whole experience. It was very crazy because at first, of course, I wanted to go to college and I was like, I don't know, I just I wanted to do it. Caroline, you d a So I just applaud you g et because it's it had a bunch of majors and the location was really nice. I started visiting, which is the second thing I wanted to talk about. I visited schools which really helped me diff like figure out what kind of school and wanted to go to, um and this is something that I think is very important for and coming, junior seniors. What I'm really didn't catch my I guess I didn't feel right there and do a full on tort itself, like a guided tour. So I really didn't get like enough inside to really know. I really didn't I didn't put my heart on that one too much on. I'm Alex, Margot Lee and Michelle Riddell answered me, which is really, really sweet of them, and they gave me a little bit of inside on their life there. Then I flew Thio Syracuse, which is like a four hour train ride from the city, that I actually could really see myself there except for things that really play in tow. Could live so far, you know, and But they did have a lot of great majors and miners. I just I originally wanted to get out of the state, not just the city, but this day I wanted to be away. You need to figure out if you like big schools versus small schools, like a religion based or, you know, whatever. I don't want to go to a huge university life, u G a. Or like Ellis you because those schools I don't get a one on one with my teacher from the lecture classes are humongous. Of course there are, but for me personally, I know that's not what I need and what I want. So I really went hard on my essays because those are what really defined me and what I could really like pinpoint things that making me stand out. If you know for, like, grammar and all that other stuff, make sure you get that pass for what I wanted to study again. I always wanted to keep film acting outside of college, but I wanted to keep that in my life like That's like something's actually good career goal of mine. I want to film acting, and so I thought maybe business would be a good idea, but business is so broad, and I really wanted to get pointed into what I wanted to do so first about business. I just think it's a good place to start because marketing my own brand here, um and then anything else I want to do. Were you Syracuse N u T s o. I don't only remember when I got you J, but was the 1st 1 I heard bad know who's in like February actually, because I applied early action. I got my first email in and I got deferred and that really it hit hard, but not too hard because obviously I had hope because Danielle had also got differ. I was making sure because getting deferred Woods all high possibility because you g et they're very specific on who they wanted and only remember who had heard next truck. Oh, I think it was loyal, and I got into oil with it with a good scholarship, a really good scholarship, and so that was great to hear just because it was out of the city. So it's just it would be a good transition from, like, not moving too far away, but like, you know, that good middle ground. Really? I had my heart on, but then I just felt like it was okay. Look, after I was getting rejected from the schools that I was, I was like, This is okay, was supposed to happen like I really was not supposed to be there for whatever reason. I truly believe that, like, I really believe I'm gonna end up where I need to go. So it really didn't hurt me the way I thought it would. A matter of fact, it's not because they know him, make it a boatload of people who have above four Point O's with 35 a c. T scores. Then I heard back from you and I got rejected, and that was okay, too, only because it's very expensive and I did not want to go to a school where I wasn't. Sure of what I wanted to study, because I don't want to spend or invest all this money into education when I don't even know what I want to study. Of course, it's, you know, if you want to go on undecided and why you you do that? Because that's amazing. So if I wanted to also do that, that'd be great as well, Good and why you? But I don't And I don't exactly know what I want to d'oh. I'm going todo I want a little and New Orleans, which is a great feel, so good to know that I'm going somewhere where I can do everything I wanted to New Orleans. I'm always there you guys know that the agent is there. I know you guys were, like guessing and my videos like the comments, and I seriously wanted to wait.