Mornings at Wheaton

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One in routine is pretty regular each day, so I don't change it up very much. I get up at seven to seven twenty every morning because I have the first lot of classes each day. Wednesday, Friday, I have a eighty and German class, and on Tuesday Thursday I have in eight thirty on English Cross. So I get up in the morning around seven, and I make tea. Then I walked onto Saga and Saga has a lot of different options. There's a waffle maker and homemade eggs, or you can go to the bill. There are things like green peppers, jalapenos, cheese, ham, spinach, pepperoni, things like that that you can ask for people to put in. Then you have the two omelette makers in the station. They make your omelet and then serve it to right there. There's a really long line for the omelet because it's so good. Yet then I just sit in Saga and I have my food and usually friends will stop by and I'll talk with them or or I'll do some homework, depending on what the day holds. I guess you could say there's no special thing about my morning, but it's nice and slow and quiet, and I really recommend that for cool. It's like Father here at Wheaton or somewhere else entirely. Make sure you have a consistent morning routine that's not rushed because the way you set up your morning, we'll really affect the way your day goes. Make sure you aren't rushed as you're eating your food.