More info on dorms

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Last semester, I adorned at our freshman dorm, the one that's owned by the college on DH I I liked it. It was just kind of far from our school because the school is on fifty ninth Street Columbus Circle, so it's still on the West side. It was it was like a thirty minute right to school, and now I'm like, five minutes away from school on the subway. So I think that's definitely a really big benefit. Um, I also we shared it with another school, Manhattan school of music. I mean, it was loud at times because there was a lot of music going on and like, we obviously, like Way only had a floor to ourselves. I still I mean, I loved it as a first first year student because I had a roommate. Um, and I think that's a really valuable experience. Tohave when your first year starting in college, I just I grew out of it and I moved to a single somewhere where I think I could take more advantage of New York. So is the big, like flagship Macy's that takes up the whole block. I just think I'm getting the best that I can right now, living where I'm living and going to school where I am So look forward to showing you guys more of the dorm. I'll show you the kitchen downstairs and the lounge areas on the next video by.