Montclair Move In

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Hey, guys, it is Thursday, August 30 at about 8:30 a.m. I don't know what's up with me and waking up super for all these logs because I never, ever, ever wake up this early. Everyone has been so incredibly supportive of me and me going to college and what I want to do. It's meant the world to me to be able thio developer family here, that's, like hard to leave. This is like probably the first, like, genuine thing I've ever post from his account. Because I don't know if I'd even be doing this if I didn't have that. If I didn't have those people encouraging for the past 18 years of my life, just know that the littlest things and everything that has happened over these past 18 years and all the support I got from the smallest things to the largest things it has always meant so much to me. It will continue to mean that much to me as I move on and go somewhere else. Yeah, It's, um it's just a miserable The shuttle is gonna be driving. We're not going to go all the way through nine hours. It's not gonna be like, you know Caesar's palace. What time is it? 1 30 How many hours we have left? Stay there. Should I coming to see her? That we all kind of agree responsible for each one of them? E keep like, turning around to make sure you call is still way Have officially made it to weigh our at our friend's house. You here don't know? 9 40 Okay, so we're awake. September 2nd. Most of us are awake when most of us. Okay, um, I guess you guys, that's me being a good kid. Yeah, let's talk about we're going to do, uh, like a Yeah. Hey, guys, I'm Kristen and thank you for watching my walk. Like it's described my YouTube channel christen alliances far stage left and stage for more.