Montclair Dining Options

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I am a YouTuber, and I am a student at Montclair State University. I am a sophomore in the musical theater program, and I'm gonna take you around to look at Montclair. Is different dining options today to see if the options we have because I know that was a huge deciding factor for me in my college audition process because I liked you. So I'm gonna take you around, and we're gonna look at some of those options. Guys, you have two large dining halls on campus, and I'm gonna show you where both those air located. They basically just have a different variety of foods every day, depending on what you want. They have, like, burgers, hot dogs and seafood, pasta, pizza stuff like a desert something too. So I'm gonna bring you around to both of those. Machuca Heights is one of the doorman options of the heights of denial in the yoga. It also has a really great snack areas where you can buy. Actually, not so distressing about living in a chugga is there is a little place called Bistro, where you can go after hours after everything is closed and they offer different types of foods, like burgers and chicken and pancakes, like a random stuff like that. A lot of us went there a lot once everything is closed, your 100 at like one I am. I'm walking up on Glancing hall right now, which is just a regular dorm off center. This is one of the locations where you're going to find a little bit more familiarity. Coming here and get a lot of snacks like this comes with our flex dollars fill. Every semester you get as much as I come in here and get little snacks like this a lot before dance of person. Actually, all the time was also a Dunkin Donuts location in here as well. So I'm walking into a student center where we have lots of different food options because It's basically the center of campus because another. So this portion of our campus way California way have a burger place here. Then we have Panda Express over here, which is my personal favorite, and I understand why. There's a lot of eating options in here, so this is the upstairs portion and then downstairs there is other options down here. This is sort of a side note, but there are different many missions all over campus that you can use with your flex dollars. Dollars never have actual money on me because I'm a broke college students, so being able to ride bikes dollars, all these places is super helpful. So this is a BP, which is our favorite place as musical theater majors to eat because it's right across from basically where we live, even breathe all day long. This has a lot of healthier options, such as like salads, Suze sandwiches, things like that. I come here and get smoothies a lot before and after class just because it's very, very convenient anyways. This building has been under construction since I've been here, which isn't even a year and 1/2. But there have been rumors that they're gonna be some really cool restaurants in here. I would share the rumors, but I don't want them not to be true. Freeman Andi Freeman Hall is another dreaming option for students on the other side of campus that is connected to our other dining hall, which is also called Freeman. Freeman is very cool because Freeman uses kiosks for all of the orders and you just go up. You look at the kiosk, and then from there you order and then your buzzer will buzz and you can go get your guys. A lot of people think that is only for business people, and that's not true. I'm going there a lot and get coffee and hot chocolate when I am getting sick of Duncan because that is the only other copy option here, so it's kind of hidden business building. It is a really good option for coffee drinkers and people that you aren't fans of Dunkin because I love what they have down there become near the end of our video here. This little piece right here is dying, which is open 24 7 which is fantastic is another place you can just go in the middle of the night. This one I know is open for breakfast Mondays through Fridays and that one's open just kind of on select days, one necessary. They're both Republican, all of youse, a really great opportunity dining in the right in the middle. Guys, As you can see, there is a lot of dining options on this campus on it was all really great food. We're very lucky to have a great food service here at the school, so I really hope you like what you're seeing. I really hope you look more into Claire's check out more than videos we have on this channel, and I hope to be seeing you soon.