Meet Sophia, another FIT student!

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So I'm currently a senior at my major and advertising and marketing communications. I had a really great experience that a C I love it here, actually transferred from another school private school in Connecticut. I have to say, my experience here has been better than my previous college experience also. So what made you decide to transfer? Um So I wanted to attend college in New York, and I feel like it's in a great location in New York City. On, even though it's a city school, the security is like, Amazing. I've been other colleges and they don't have as high security, which I really respect that about school. I love how everyone here is so like, no debated toe like get a job like it's super competitive. I love it because it's just like makes everyone really motivated and like I think like like almost everyone ends up with a job when they graduate. So one thing I really live, you said a few things like that, don't you, Teo? I guess one thing. I always heard great things about five feet before finding here, and I would say one thing I don't like, which it's not like it's not a school in general. So I say that I goto and automatically people are like, Oh, like you're in fashion design. You're a fashion designer and like when I say like No, I go to their business school. They'll be like, Oh, like business fashion like annoying because I think that, like, I guess F I T and general should advertise that they have so many different majors. Their business school is actually their most popular, more so than fashion design or fashion merchandising. I think advertising marketing communications is Tom. It's like the most wanted major among the nine. I think that in general they should advertise their business more so people know that it's not only a passion well,.