Meet Shelby!

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I'm a freshman social work major from San Jose, California and why I chose to go to to see you. So one day my dad was watching a football game and I saw a student section and I was like, That looks like a lot of fun. So on a whim, I came in toward all of the schools in Texas, and from the second I stepped foot on TC campus, I knew that this is the place that I wanted to be. My favorite part is probably community of students here. I love how excited everyone is to be a horned frog and to go to classes and do school spirit things. The school rewards you really well with free admission to sports games and fun things like the Christmas tree lighting. I I don't I don't regret my decision at all. Then how would you describe this student body student body? I would say passionate. Everyone is so passionate about their majors are school spirit, just everything. Everybody is kind of a unique person in a way that they have their different passions and they're not afraid to pursue them, thanks.