Meet Sam: A Sophomore at Boise State!

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Can you introduce yourself? Hi. I'm Sam. I mean, where were like and what areas do come from? I'm from San Diego. Why did you choose to come to Boise State? Honestly, I just love the environment. How would you describe the social on campus? Life here was just honestly, it's really social. Like, don't feel like you need to be in a sorority or fraternity, like you can just meet people any time. Everyone's super friendly and everybody just comes together and goes to sports events and just school events. Then how do you How would you describe the academic climate here? The academic crime is really nice, like all your teachers are willing to help you. They're really, like, hands on with you one on one. Yeah, And you can also go to office hours and schedule extra help with your teacher. They are very willing to help you and us help you transition into any classes that you're taking and in the struggle that you have. Lastly, what is your favorite part? At least we're part about Boise State. My favorite part about Boise State is definitely the people. So if you are looking to come to Boise State packet jacket, like I said, I'm talking.